Benefits of Coffee

Let me share with you my story. I was a coffee addict.

I use to drink more than 4 coffees a day and some days even more and I am talking about strong coffee. How many coffees do you drink a day?

Maybe you do not drink coffee, but are you taking any caffeine?

The truth is caffeine is an addictive substance. Do you know much caffeine, a can of cola have? 40mg

What about your favorite energy drinks? How much caffeine Red bull for example have?

I have seen people line up just for buying colas in the morning and I have to share with you a story which made me tears!

A good friend of mine collapsed suddenly because of insulin issue. I am not saying cola was the only reason but I strongly believe the combination of sugar and caffeine in Cola made my friend ended up in hospital. That day I saw the pain in many faces and I do not wish that happening to your family.

My story, on April 4th, 2017 I decided to stop taking coffee for 21 days.

It was a tough challenge but anyway I completed the challenge successfully because I did not want food or drink control my life.

The truth is I did not feel good after 21 days, I was feeling tired all the time. It took me 2 months of hard work to get rid off all the caffeine from my body with the help of a detox diet.

I am not saying you should completely eliminate coffee. And if you consume coffee you should know the benefits and disadvantages of having Coffee.

Benefits of having a cup of Coffee

  • Coffee may reduce Type II diabetics(I am talking about Bio coffee without any sugar).
  • Coffee reduce heart disease by 45%.
  • Coffee lower cancer risks particularly prostate and colon cancer.
  • Coffee can protect you from Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia.
  • Antioxidant in coffee reduces aging.
  • Coffee makes you feel better.

Disadvantages of Coffee

  • Caffeine or coffee is a dehydrator
  • Coffee may raise your cholesterol
  • Coffee can be the reason for your weight gain(**)
  • Coffee can affect your sleep
  • Coffee increases blood pressure
  • Coffee stain your teeth

There are lot of benefit of having 1-2 cup of coffee a day and if you are a coffee lover following are my tips

  • Take decaf coffee instead of normal coffee
  • Use Organic BIO Coffee
  • **Take coffee without sugar or any additional substances like milk, creams etc
  • Use Stevie instead of sugar
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • If you are on any medication, check with your doctor before using coffee.


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To Your Success,

Coach Jobi



Jobi Samuel

Jobi Samuel is a certified Holistic Health Coach.
Jobi is the founder of Jobi’s mission is to help people enjoy their life with the help of good health. Jobi received his health coaching training from Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) which is world’s largest nutrition school

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